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  • Starting from only $20 a month
  • Search for the best rates
  • No medical exam required
  • Starting from only $20 a month

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Example pricing used in advertisements is for illustrative purposes only. Your exact price will be based on your current age and health status. An example price of $30 per month for $300,000 is based on a female born in the first half of 1978 and a non smoker. Pricing for $30 per month for $100,000 is based on a female born in first half of 1970 and a non smoker. All prices are gathered as examples from online quick quote calculators at cpp.ca, a top life insurance carrier in Canada, that many of our partner advisors contract with

Policy-Compare.ca does not directly offer life insurance or advice concerning life insurance. This website is a free service to determine if a simple issue or guaranteed issue life insurance policy is a good idea for you or not. This site is in no way affiliated with Facebook or any provincial or federal government departments. By completing our insurance assessment your details will be shared with a licensed insurance professional in your home province.